Category: Ideal Customers
Transform your work into art.
Dear Floralpreneur, Last week I told you about a note on my desk that reads: “If you went out of business would people notice?“ (I want the answer to this question to be “Yes!” Without a doubt. I want people to notice.) Another note I wrote down years ago says: “Transform your work into art”. As a floral…
What does great customer service feel like?
The most important thing I’ve done for my floral design business is work towards perfecting a customer service experience that reflects the values of my brand and speaks directly to the heart of my ideal clients. Want to find better clients? Create a better customer experience. What does great customer service feel like? Do you…
Who is your Ideal Customer?
The #1 question to answer before updating your website or rebranding is this: Who is your Ideal Customer? While I see people referring to “ideal customers” or “ideal clients” all the time now, I rarely see it defined. Identifying your ideal customers is a critical piece of your branding puzzle. Every floralpreneur has her/his own…